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Vote by November 5th to protect abortion access! 
The public is with us.
Protecting abortion rights wins elections.
Across the country, voters have mobilized to protect their right to accessible abortions: We saw it last year when Ohio voters enshrined abortion rights into the state constitution and in 2022 when Kansas, Kentucky, and Michigan voters rejected abortion restrictions and affirmed expanded protections. 

Now, Coloradans have the opportunity to advance their constitutional right to access abortion care.
Interested in learning about COLOR AF’s positions on the other statewide ballot measures? Check out the 2024 Racial Justice Ballot Guide here.

Need more info on how to vote? Visit
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Abortion Access is Critical to Self-Determination.
Abortion Access is
Critical to Bodily Autonomy.
Abortion Access is
Critical to Economic Security.

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Amendment 79 is about Justice.

Reproductive Justice is Economic JusticeAnd Reproductive Justice means that all people, regardless of income level, have the right to access the healthcare they need.

What does this look like? Safeguarding the right to decide whether and when to have children, supporting safe and healthy pregnancies, and expanding access to high-quality and affordable child care - including paid family and medical leave. As well as ensuring adequate housing, safe communities, a livable wage, and access to comprehensive healthcare that covers all forms of reproductive healthcare.

When any of these core necessities is threatened, reproductive justice is under threat. 

As a leading Reproductive Justice organization, we know the best way to support our communities is by voting to support policies that allow them to thrive and grow. COLOR Action Fund is fighting to enshrine the right to an abortion in the state of Colorado and to expand access for all Coloradans who need these services. Join our movement today and vote to defend abortion access in November.


“This ballot measure is a direct on-ramp to participate in our democracy, which, like abortion access, is currently under attack. By voting yes, we will affirm our voices; we will affirm our acknowledgment that everyone, regardless of insurance, should have access to the abortion care they or their families need." 

- Dusti Gurule, President and CEO of COLOR AF.

Know Your Elections

Whether local, state, or national, your vote is your voice. Understand when, where, and how to cast it effectively. Discover our Reproductive Justice Champions who are leading the charge for change.

Paid for by COLOR Action Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Dusti Gurule Registered Agent.

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