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Reproductive Health Equity Act (SUPPORT) COLOR Priority Bill

The bill declares that every individual has a fundamental right to use or refuse contraception; every pregnant individual has a fundamental right to continue the pregnancy and give birth or to have an abortion; and a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent or derivative rights under the laws of the state. 


Cover All Coloradans (SUPPORT) COLOR Priority Bill


This bill will improve and expand health coverage options available to children and pregnant people, regardless of immigration status, while leveraging the use of federal dollars the state.


Culturally Relevant Training Health Professionals (SUPPORT)

This bill requires the office of health equity in the department of public health and environment to create culturally relevant and affirming health-care training grant program to provide money to nonprofit entites and statewide associations of health-care providers to develop new, culturally responsive training programs for priority populations; and contract with a third-party administrator to administer the program.


Early Childhood Educator Income Tax Credit (SUPPORT)

Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission. For 5 income tax years, the bill creates a refundable income tax credit for an eligible childhood educators.


Sales Tax Exemption Essentail Hygiene Products (SUPPORT)

The bill creates a state sales tax exemption commencing January 1, 2023, for all sales, storage, use, and consumption of feminine hygiene incontinence products and diapers and period products . The bill further provides that local statutory taxing jurisdictions may choose to adopt either or both exemptions by express inclusion in their sales and use tax ordinance or resolution.


Sealing Criminal Records (SUPPORT)

The bill requires a consumer reporting agency to exclude sealed and expunged records from a consumer report, unless the user of the report demonstrates that the user is otherwise required to consider the information pursuant to law.


Reduce Justice-involvement for Young Children (SUPPORT)

The bill changes the minimum age of a juvenile who is subject to the juvenile court's jurisdiction. Under current law, juveniles who are 10 years of age and older can be prosecuted in juvenile court. The bill removes juveniles who are 10, 11, and 12 years of age from the juvenile court's jurisdiction and increases the age for a prosecution in juvenile court to 13 years of age; except in the case of a homicide, then the juvenile court's jurisdiction extends to juveniles who are 10, 11, and 12 years of age.


Updates to Employment Discrimination Laws (SUPPORT)

The bill amends employment discrimination laws, commonly referred to as the "Colorado Anti-discrimination Act" or "CADA"


In-state Tuition For Colorado High School Graduates (SUPPORT)

The bill repeals the requirements that a student has attended a Colorado high school for 3 years and be admitted to college within 12 months of graduating or completing an equivalency examination. The bill requires an institution to classify a student as an in-state student for tuition purposes.


Public Protections from Toxic Air Contaminants (SUPPORT)

The bill creates a new program to regulate a subset of air pollutants, referred to as "toxic air contaminants", which are defined as hazardous air pollutants, covered air toxics, and all other air pollutants that the air quality control commission (commission) designates by rule as a toxic air contaminant.


Clean Water in Schools and Child Care Centers (SUPPORT)   

The bill requires that on or before May 31, 2023, child care center, each family child care home, and each school that serves any of grades preschool through fifth grade (eligible school) must test its drinking water sources by having a state-certified laboratory measure the lead content of water drawn from each drinking water source.


Protections for Mobile Home Park Residents (SUPPORT) 

The bill amends the "Mobile Home Park Act" and the "Mobile Home Park Act Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program" to add protections for mobile home residents.

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